For our second outing, my photojournalism class went to these ancient-looking steps beside a very historical church called St. Kirk's. We again, were supposed to go around using the knowledge we gained over the past eight weeks to take pictures with meaning and feeling.
I really liked this outing because I was able to draw on my experience from the first outing (My Fort Charlotte Photos). I actually knew what it was I was looking for and what I was trying to express in my pictures. I still have a whole bunch to learn but I've noticed that I am constantly learning and my photojournalistic eye is improving.
When I sat down to pick out my ten (10) best photos I found that I didn't have to struggle to find the ones I really liked and know why I liked them. Thus I know I am improving!
Here's what I took!
My focus for this photo was the rail of the stairs. I love the way the light hit the columns because it was very paternistic. Also, I took the picture at a slant because taking it head-on would have looked boring and I really wanted to emphasize the incline of the stairs. Lastly, the trees and building in the back makes it seem like the observer is moving from out of an ancient part of the world into a more developed world.
Photo Name: Slanted Light Pattern
I really loved this shot of the step rail because the way I took it was at an angle which makes the top column appear a lot taller and larger than the bottom columns. I like the way the columns move from bigger to smaller even though they are the same height, width and shape. Also, the light that hits the columns on the rail is phenomenal.
Photo Name: The Height & Light Effect
As you can see, I really loved capturing the columns and rail of the steps. I just really liked the repetitive nature of them. Also, in the picture below I wanted to really show the columns at a different angle to show that there is more than one way to show the same subject.
Photo Name: Ancient Columns of Repetition
For this photo I was trying to focus on getting a certain perspective of the steps. I loved the fact that I took the picture the same time a salesman was walking up. I captured a part of him and his desserts on a tray. I really loved the bright orange of his shirt because it adds a burst of color to the picture.
Photo Name: Orange Burst
Yes, so there were benches also in this particular area of St. Kirk's and this is just one of two benches that I captured. This picture shows the age and texture of the bench and gives emphasis to how long the bench is. The depth in this picure is brought out by the length of the bench. On top of that, when I look at this picture I see the bench first and then it moves outward to the people as if the photo is saying: Rest first then move on to the other parts of the steps. Vice-Versa (depending on how you view the picture)
This is definitely one of my favorite photos.
Photo Name: The Bench Mark